Information technologies in the professional sphere – презентация онлайн

Information technologies in the professional sphere - презентация онлайн Реферат

Information technologies in the professional sphere – презентация онлайн





Done by : Abdaz Ayalakunaiym


The use of computer

information technologies in

teaching is one of the most

stable directions of the

development of the

educational process.

Information technology in the

process of teaching

mathematics can be applied

within any school curriculum.

The use of computer

technology allows us to modify

the teaching process, improve

the self-training of students.

The use of ICT in the

educational and upbringing

process increases the students’

interest in learning and makes

the process itself interesting

and memorable.

You can say that you

can use the computer

and in remote mode,

for example, in the

research and project

activities of students.

Computer resources

can be used as a

source of educational

material: electronic

textbooks, tasks,

tables, diagrams and

tests, and this

category can also

include Internet

resources and

electronic libraries.

It is possible to apply

information technologies at any

stage of the lesson: when

checking a homework

assignment, studying new

material, fixing, generalizing

lessons, repetition, for knowledge


Presentations are

one of the most

common and

accessible areas.

They allow you to

visually demonstrate

new material,

organize a verbal

account, solve

problems on ready

drawings, show texts

of test, independent,

training, tests, and

then answers and

keys to them,

conduct eye

exercises or a

physical exercise.

The use of electronic textbooks,

electronic applications to

textbooks, electronic periodicals,

reference books, computer

training programs can be done

both in classrooms and in

independent work at home.

electronic libraries, e-books

“Electronic Diary and Journal” is a

service that allows participants of the

educational process to receive

information about training schedules,

current and final assessments and

homework on-line. Also, electronic school

workflow must ensure a reduction in the

administrative burden on general

education institutions

Use of Internet

resources in design, for

example, in the book of

educational and

methodical literature,

the possibility of

independent research

materials, materials

for the preparation of

reports and abstracts,

for the development of

a project

The use of ICT in the lessons of mathematics

makes it possible, in a visual form, to convey the

material to the students, to facilitate the work of

the teacher, to raise the level of achievement due

to the interest of the students, as well as to

shorten the time devoted to explaining the

material and paying more attention to fixing.




Lecture № 14. information technologies in the professional sphere. industrial ict

Purpose: to train students to use software for solving specialized professional field

1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.

2.Modern IT trends in the professional sphere: medicine, power, etc.

3.Use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.

4.Safety issues in industrial information and communication technologies.

1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.

А pplication package– a set of programs designed to meet the challenges of a certain class (functional subsystem, business application)method-oriented.

· the following types of PPP:

· general purpose (universal);

· problem-oriented,

· global networks;

· organization (administration) computing process whole..

IFR general purpose– versatile software designed to automate the development and operation of the user’s functional tasks and information systems as a By this RFP class includes:

· text editor (word processor) and graphics,

· spreadsheets,

· database management systems (DBMS);

· integrated

· packages; Case-technology;

· the shell of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems changes.

RFP for creating and text documents, graphics, and illustrations, called the editor.

Text editors designed to handle text and perform mainly the following functions:

record the text file;

insert, delete, replace characters, lines, text fragments,

spell checking,

formatted text, different fonts,

text alignment

preparation tables of contents, splitting the text on the page;

search and replace words and expressions,

the inclusion in the text of simple illustrations;

text printing

The most widely used text editor Microsoft word, word Perfect (currently owned by the company Corel), chiWriter, Multi-Edit And other used.

Graphic editors are for processing graphic documents, including diagrams, illustrations, drawings and tables. Allowed to control the size and font of figures, moving figures and letters, the formation of any image. Among the most famous image editors can be called packages Corel DRAW, Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator.

Publishing systems combine the possibilities of text and graphic editors have developed capabilities for formatting strips with graphic materials and then printed. These systems are targeted for use in publishing and typesetting systems are called. Because these systems can be called PageMaker products from Adobe and Ventura Publisher of Corel Corporation.

Spreadsheets. Spreadsheet called RFP for processing tables.

The data in the table is stored in the cells located at the intersection of rows and columns. The cells can be stored numbers, formulas and character data. Formula values are set dependent on the contents of one cell to other cells. Changing the contents of a cell resulting in a change of values in the dependent cells.

The most popular PPP of this class are products such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, and others.

Database Management Systems.To create a database inside the machine information support uses special IFR – database management system-.

Database A set of specially data organized sets stored on disk adding,.

database management includes data entry, their correction and manipulation of data, that is, delete, retrieve, update, etc. Developed database applications to ensure the independence, working with them on the specific organization of information in databases. Depending on how these organizations are distinguished: network, hierarchical, distributed, relational database management system

from the available database the most widely used Microsoft Access, Microsoft FoxPro, Paradox (corporation Borland), and the Oracle database company, Informix, Sybase, Modern etc

2.Modern IT trends in the professional sphere: medicine, power, etc.

Computers have long been used in medicine. Many modern diagnostic methods based on computer technology. Such methods are surveys, as ultrasound or computed tomography, generally unthinkable without a computer. But in a more “old” methods of examination and diagnostic computers are invading more and more actively. Cardiogram and blood tests, the study of the fundus and dental health … – It’s hard to find an area of medicine in which computers have not been applied to more and more to.

Active, but only diagnostic use of computers in medicine is not limited They are increasingly beginning to be used in the treatment of various diseases -. Starting from the construction of the optimal treatment plan and to manage the various medical facilities during procedures

The information economy has changed many aspects of economic reality, in particular, and the function of money, that of a universal equivalent effort gradually turned into a means of calculation. Virtual banks and payment systems -. The fruit of development of information technologies

in economics and business information technology applied to the processing, sorting and aggregating data for the organization of interaction of actors and computer technology, to meet the information needs for operational communications, etc.

It is understood investment decision in the development of information technologies, as well as other management decisions should take into account economic feasibility. But it turns out that this very convenient to calculate the benefit in using all of the same information technologies. There are models of counting the total economic impact, which allows to take into account, among other things, additional benefits of the introduction of information technologies, scalability and flexibility of the systems, as well as potential risks.

Рефераты:  Ведущие факторы развития личности

3.Use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.

The search engine (Eng. engine) -searchit is a computer system designed tofor search information.One of the most well-known applications of search engines – web services to search for text or graphic information in the World WideWeb.There are also systems that can search for files on the FTP-server, goods inonlinestores, information in the Usenetnewsgroups.

To search for information using a search engine user formulates a search request.The search engine’s job is to search for the user to find documents that contain any specified keywords, or words, in any way related to the keyword. In this case the search engine generates a search result page. Such a search listing may comprise various types of results, such as web pages, images, audio files. Some search engines also extract information from the appropriate database and web directory.

The search engine is better than more documents that are to relevant the user’s request, it will return. Search results may become less relevant due to the nature of algorithms or due to human error. Мost popular search engine in the world is Google.

According to the methods of research and service shared by four types of search Systems using crawlers, systems controlled by a person, the hybrid system and the meta-system. The search system architecture typically includes:

· crawler that collects information from Internet sites or from other documents,

· indexer, provides a quick search on the stored information, and

· the search engine – a graphical interface for the user

How does search engine

Information technologies in the professional sphere - презентация онлайн

Figure 24- job of search engine

High-level architecture of the standard crawler

Main components of a search engine crawler, indexer, search engine:.

As a rule, the system works in stages. First, the crawler receives the content, then the indexer generates a searchable index, and finally, the search engine provides the functionality to search for the indexed data. To update the search engine indexing of the loop is executed again.

Search engines work by storing information about many web pages, which they receive from HTML pages. Crawler or “crawler”(eng. -Crawler)a program that automatically runs through all the links found on the page, and makes them stand out. Crawler based on references or on the basis of a predetermined list of addresses, searches for new documents, not yet well-known search engine. The site owner can exclude certain page using a robots.txt, using which you can prevent the indexing of files, pages or the site directory.

Searcher operates to output files received from the indexer. The search engine receives user requests, processes them using the index and returns search results

4.Safety issues in industrial information and communication technologies.

Vision of information security of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Information Security Concept of the Republic of (Hereinafter – the Concept) is designed to ensure that the interests of society and state in the information sphere.
recently updated issue of equal participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international exchange of information and processes in the international regulation of information security. The need to defend the national interest requires an increase in the activity of state bodies in the framework of existing international organizations introduction.
Thus, the current state of information security is characterized by the following threats:
1) the imperfection of information security system and dysfunction of critical facilities information;
2) low level of production, the and the use of modern information and communication technology that does not meet the objective needs of and

3) depending on the Republic of Kazakhstan on import of information technologies, informatization and protection of information, the use of which may cause damage to the national interests of the country;
4) the rise of information warfare between the world’s leading centers of power, preparation and conduct of foreign states struggle in the information space;
5) non-constructive policy of foreign countries in the field of global information monitoring, dissemination of information and the new information technologies;
6) the development of information manipulation technologies;
7) the possibility of destructive information impact on the public consciousness and public institutions, the applicator damage to the country’s national interests;
8) dissemination of false or deliberately distorted information that could harm the national interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
9) openness and vulnerability of the national information space from external influence;
10) lack of effectiveness of information support of public policies;
11) a weak protection and low competitiveness national information space;
12) non-compliance of national content quality of the objective requirements of Kazakhstan’s society and world level;
13) increase in crime, including transnational crime, as well as extremist and terrorist activities, using information and communication technologies;
14) attempts unauthorized access to information resources Republic of Kazakhstan, resulting in damage to its national interests;
15) activities of foreign intelligence and special services, as well as foreign political and economic structures, aimed against the interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
16) violations of secrecy when working with information constituting state secrets of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as willful misconduct and unintentional errors and irregularities in the handling of information of restricted access;
17) lack of legal regulation of information sphere system;
18) natural disasters and catastrophes;
19) unlawful actions of state structures, leading to a violation of the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and legal entities, the state in the field of information
Aims and objectives
The aim of the Concept is creation of a national information security system that guarantees the protection of the national interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of information
to achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following set of tasks:
1) the development of information security management system that enables ensure security of the country’s national information infrastructure, and a single national information space;
7) 2021, the level of maintenance to eliminate downtime of information systems for information security will be reduced to 20 minutes;
8) will be provided by the production of the domestic computer hardware, accessories, peripherals and software
9)increase the level of innovative activity of industrial enterprises;
10) legal framework governing the information sector will be improved, including through international cooperation;
11) will improve the system of staffing in the field of information security and the protection of state secrets.


5. What is the software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere?

6. Safety issues in industrial information and communication technologies

7. What is the modern IT trends in the professional sphere?

8. What are the differences between using of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes?


1. June J. Parsons and Dan Oja, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 16th Edition – Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2021.

2. Lorenzo Cantoni (University of Lugano, Switzerland) James A. Danowski (University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA) Communication and Technology, 576 pages.

3. Craig Van Slyke Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (6 Volumes). ISBN13: 9781599049496, 2008, Pages: 4288

Рефераты:  Реферат: Роль и значение международных стандартов аудиторской деятельности -

4. Utelbaeva A.K.,Utelbaeva A.K. Study guide for lectures on discipline “Computer science”, Shimkent 2008, 84 pages.


Purpose: to prepare students to use programs of acceleration and incubation

1.Prospects of development in the sphere of the IT market: development of the free software. Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small startup of the companies.

2.Programs of acceleration and incubation.

3.Development of necessary infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.

4.Prospects of development of E-technologies.

1.Prospects of development in the sphere of the IT market: development of the free software. Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small startup of the companies.

The free software (SPO, eng. free software also software libre or libre software), free software software, where users have rights (“freedom”) on its installation, start-up, free use, study, dissemination and change (improvement) and distribution of copies and results of any changes. If the software has the exclusive rights, the freedom, are declared using the free license.

As a free (freeware) and free software, SPO can be used to obtain and usually free (but the distributor can charge for the obtaining of his copies, delivery channels, media CD-ROMs or additional services). However, freeware is usually distributed as executables without source code is proprietary, and to be free (free software), recipients must be available in source code from which you can create executable files together with the appropriate licenses. Due to the fact that the word “sale” and called the original sale, and distribution of copies for the money, and paid licensing (usually proprietary conditions), some still believe free software is a subset of the free.

Often distinguish between free and open source software (open source) — although the availability of source code for the SPO is required and many open programs are both free. The choice of the name is often associated with the language and purpose of vacancy or openness.

The free software movement began in 1983 when Richard Stallman formed the idea of having freedom to use the software (eng. software freedom) users. In 1985 Stallman founded the free software Foundation to provide organizational structure to promote their ideas.

The business model of the SPO, as a rule, based on the principle of empowerment — for example, new objects of application, training, integration, configuration or certification. At the same time, some business models which work with proprietary software that is not compatible with free software, especially those that force users to pay for the license to legally use a software product.

2.Programs of acceleration and incubation.

Accelerator — a company the business of which is to help other companies (residents of the accelerator).

Accelerators offer residents a structured program that helps the team to hone the business model to get the necessary contacts and increase sales. The program lasts from 3 months to half a year. The accelerator typically is a coworking space, where resident companies can be during acceleration.

The business model accelerator

Accelerators make the receipt of shares in the company and the subsequent sale of this stake, so often work in conjunction with the venture Fund (the Fund makes investments, the accelerator educational program, networking, infrastructure).

For example, the accelerator received a share in the amount of 10% of the project N. a Project N went through the acceleration program, has grown to become a significant player in the market. Google decided to buy the startup for $10 million In this case, the accelerator receives 10% of the purchase amount is $1 million.

Program incubation – assistance in the development, promotion and financing for established small innovative or entrepreneurial companies.

To obtain resident status for the incubation program small businesses must meet the requirements:

• be registered as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur

• period of activity of a small business entity with the state registration till the moment of submission of the application should not exceed one year

not carry out the following activities:

• financial, insurance services

• retail and wholesale trade


• medical services

• catering

• real estate transactions

• production of excisable goods

• production and sale of minerals

• gambling.

During the implementation of the incubation program provided office space or workplace, and end up consulting services on business issues.

3.Development of necessary infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.

E-logistics is the management and optimization of information flows that arise in the supply chain management of products from producer to consumer. The review considers the main components of e-logistics: the international system of commodity numbering codes, electronic data interchange (EDI), global data synchronization network (GDSN), the role of international and local product catalogues.

“E-logistics” – a study of current trends in development of logistics management e-logistics and the mastery of techniques and approaches in designing and managing the supply chain using modern information, communication and computer technology (ICT).

Examines theoretical and applied aspects of electronic logistics as part of overall concept of supply chain management with the use of active learning methods (discussion problems, case studies and group work

Payment system — a set of procedures enabling the transfer of funds.

It is generally understood that through payment systems money is transferred. If we approach translation from a legal point of view, in most cases there is a transfer of debt: means that the payment system should one of the customers, it becomes must to another client.

Payment systems are a substitute for cash transactions in the implementation of domestic and international payments and is one of the basic services provided by banks and other specialized financial institutions. The biggest service of this kind is the system SWIFT — society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunication, an international interbank transfer system information and make payments.

Advanced forms of payment systems are the financial procedures carried out via ATMs, payment kiosks, POS terminals, and cards with a stored cash value transaction in the foreign exchange markets, futures, derivatives and options.

Electronic payment systems are a sub-set of payment systems that ensure the implementation of electronic transfer of payments through the payment network or the chips.

In an average day through the payment system of Kazakhstan is of 119.3 thousand transactions in the amount of 753,8 billion tenge.

The largest payment systems are WebMoney — system of instant payments, Yandex.Money, Qiwi payment service, payment terminals (indoor and outdoor).

WebMoney is a universal tool for calculations in the Network, the whole financial relationships, which today are used by millions of people around the world. Kazakhstan takes the 4th place in the number of registrations and probably other indicators too. Kazakhstan is ahead of only Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Yandex.Money is the largest electronic payment system in Runet, which offers simple secure methods of payment for goods and services. Are the offices of Alliance Bank and branch transfer system CONTACT, as well as terminals Quickpay. Most Kazakhstanis pay via Yandex.Money online game, entertainment, extra opportunities in social networks and online advertising.

Qiwi payment service designed to pay for everyday services from mobile communications and utilities to Bank loans.

The peculiarity of Qiwi service is that payments can be made in cash in the network of QIWI payment terminals and via the Internet service and the app for mobile devices. In fact, the user can make a payment from your account in the system being in a convenient place and in convenient time.

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At the moment, with the help of the payment system in Kazakhstan will be possible to replenish the account in favor of the 157 companies-providers such as utilities, Internet, cellular communication, IP-telephony, various products through catalogs, including the services of the three thousand companies that are connected to QIWI-wallet.

Also on the territory of Kazakhstan has a QIWI-purse in two languages.

Payment terminal — a hardware-software complex providing reception of payments from individuals in self-service mode. For a payment terminal is characterized by a high degree of autonomy in its work.

Using terminal you can pay for mobile communication, utility services, Internet service providers, repay loans, replenish the Bank account.

Kazakhstan companies providing services in the field of payment terminals: Quickpay, Taulink of Asia Terminal ComepayCyberPlat, TelePay.

Quickpay — the company was founded in 2003. The company started its activity as a software developer. For the first time in Russia the company developed software for touch-screen payment terminals on the operating system “Linux”. In 2007, the company entered the market of Kazakhstan.

Taulinkcompany started its activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006 by the commercial launch of the first business decisions within the international telecommunications exhibition KITEL-2006. System for accepting payments TAULINK represented in more than 8 200 sales and service outlets in 507 settlements of Kazakhstan.

“Asia Terminal” company exists on the market since 2006. Under the brand “Asia Terminal” has been known since 2008. Is the production of a full (closed) cycle – from design and cutting to sales, software and service.

Comepay (Kampey) — the company was founded in 2006, operates in the market under the registered brand name “Comepay” and is one of the leading companies of the Russian Federation for reception of instant payments.

Organized more than 2000 service providers — from utilities companies to leading domestic banks that are connected to more than 38 000 points of payment and more than 25 000 payment terminals.

“CyberPlat-Kazakhstan” company was founded on 15 September 2005. The first payment was made in April 2006. Currently, the network of points of reception of payments on the territory of Kazakhstan has more than 3,100 outlets, which carry out reception of payments in favor of mobile operators and Internet service through the payment system CyberPlat.

TelePay — the company exists since 2004. The system used the latest in telecommunications and banking technology.

Recently introduced payment system Wooppay is more than just an electronic wallet. This is an indispensable tool in addressing any daily concerns, leisure, shopping or travel planning. This — Multibank system. This means that you can choose which of the banks-partners of the system. The money credited to your purse, lie in the chosen Bank and their electronic rights are in your wallet that provides 100% security for your money.

Director of marketing Wooppay Dmitry Prihozhan in an interview CabMarket — about the history of the origin of the company and plans for the future.

There are also disadvantages: in Karaganda hard to find someone who is not in Wooppay. So, if you want to gather a great company and not to talk about work, you need to try hard, because each second in Karaganda in any way associated with our company.

So far we have implemented only a small part of what you planned, but every day we are working on new services, add features and remove bugs. Every week on the website filled with changes and services become more convenient. Anyone interested — sign up, enjoy and stay tuned. And on all issues, you can contact our customer service Department.

4.Prospects of development of E-technologies.

The state program “Information Kazakhstan – 2020”

The decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 1 February 2021 № 922 “Strategic plan of development of Kazakhstan till 2020”

Тhe purpose of the Program: creation of conditions for transition to Basic information society.

Program objectives:

1) the Development of it

2) ensure the availability of information and communication infrastructure

3) automation of the activities of state bodies and e-services

4) open government

5) the Development of domestic information space.

Target indicators:

1) the share of the ICT sector in GDP in 2020 – 4 %

2) quantity updated standard curricula of it professions in accordance with professional standards: technical and vocational UNIVERSITY in 2020 – 6

3) the level of digital literacy in 2020 – 80 %

4) density of Internet users per 100 inhabitants in 2020 – 75 %

5) the coverage of digital terrestrial television of Kazakhstan’s population in 2020 – 95%

6) the coverage of the state radio channels in the FM band “Kazakh radio” and “Shalkar”, in 2020 – 95%

7) the effectiveness ratio of use of information technologies, which developed the target architecture (ROA-return on IT assets) to the year 2020 – 30

8) the level of Kazakhstan’s development index of “e-government” in 2020 – among the first 25 countries

9) index the e-participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020 – among the first 20 countries

10) the number of available local media in Kazakhstan to 2020 – 2280

11) the proportion of the population satisfying the basic information needs at the expense of the domestic media (according to sociological research), in 2020 – 53%


1. What are the differences between programs of acceleration and incubation?

2. What are prospects of development of E-technologies?

3. Are there prospects of development in the sphere of the IT market?

4. Development of necessary infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.


1. June J. Parsons and Dan Oja, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 16th Edition – Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2021.

2. Lorenzo Cantoni (University of Lugano, Switzerland) James A. Danowski (University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA) Communication and Technology, 576 pages.

3. Craig Van Slyke Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (6 Volumes). ISBN13: 9781599049496, 2008, Pages: 4288

4. Utelbaeva A.K.,Utelbaeva A.K. Study guide for lectures on discipline “Computer science”, Shimkent 2008, 84 pages.


1. June J. Parsons and Dan Oja, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 16th Edition – Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2021.

2. Lorenzo Cantoni (University of Lugano, Switzerland) James A. Danowski (University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, USA) Communication and Technology, 2021, 576 pages.

3. Craig Van Slyke Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (6 Volumes). ISBN13: 9781599049496, 2021, Pages: 4288

4. Utelbaeva A.K.,Utelbaeva A.K. Study guide for lectures on discipline “Computer science”, Shimkent 2008, 84 pages.

5. Business Fundamentals: Hands-on training manual / Ed. YB Rubin, M-2021

6. Mushroom VD Business Basics: A Tutorial. – M .: Finance and Statistics, 2021

7. Fundamentals of business activities. Financial management. Marketing / Ed. VM Vlasova – M .: Finance and Statistics, 2021.

8. Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 1 февраля 2021 года № 922 «О Стратегическом плане развития Республики Казахстан до 2020 года»


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